The Note's Must-Reads

The First Stop in Politics -- It's What You Need to Know!

November 12, 2008—, 2008 -- 2008: ABC NEWS VIDEOS:

"The Auto Industry Needs the White House" LINK


Associated Press' Anne Gearan: "Obama Taps Veteran Dems for DoD, State Handovers" LINK

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos: "Obama Advisers Push $500 Billion Stimulus" LINK

ABC News' Rick Klein: "Obama White House to Marshal Online Army" LINK

USA Today's Fredreka Schouten: "Obama sets strict rules on lobbyists during transition" LINK

USA Today's Kathy Kiely and David Jackson: "World leaders reach out to Obama team" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Carla Hall and Marjorie Miller: "Obama's election: a turning point in the perception of blacks?" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Janet Hook and Peter Nicholas: "Barack Obama is looking more like a realist" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Alana Semuels: "Americans clamoring for all things Obama" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Howard Witt: "Gun sales up since election" LINK

The New York Times' Steven Erlanger: "After Breakthrough, Europe Looks in Mirror - As Europeans ask if there could be a French, British, German or Italian Obama, everyone knows the answer is no, not anytime soon." LINK

The New York Times' Helene Cooper and Jeff Zeleny: "Obama's Transition Team Restricts Help of Lobbyists" LINK

The New York Times' Peter Baker: "World Leaders at Nation's Doorstep, but Next President Isn't Taking Meetings" LINK

The Washington Post's Peter Finn: "Guantanamo Closure Called Obama Priority" LINK

The Washington Post's Michael D. Shear: "Obama Team Moves to Keep Its Distance From Lobbyists" LINK

The Washington Post's Walter Pincus and Karen DeYoung: "Top Two Officials In U.S. Intelligence Expect to Lose Jobs - Obama Silent Amid Conflicting Advice" LINK

The Washington Post's N.C. Aizenman: "Immigrant Advocates Reach Out To Obama - Coalition Appears in D.C. To Press Agenda, Events" LINK

The Washington Post's Al Kamen: "Latinos and the Obama Cabinet" LINK

The Washington Post's Robin Shulman: "B-Rock Is in the House - Hip-Hop Artists Lay Down Their Love for the President-Elect" LINK

The Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Obama faces less pressure for diverse Cabinet" LINK

The Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown: "Podesta promises 'strictest' ethics rules - Lobbyists will not be able to do transition work in their area of expertise if they lobbied in the past 12 months." LINK

The Politico's Jen Dimascio: "Anti-war camp wants Gates out" LINK

The Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel: "Obama likely to escape campaign audit" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Christopher Cooper: "Obama To Fill Transition Team Using New Ethics Code" LINK

The Boston Herald's Dave Wedge: "Barack Obama's Car Could Fuel More Problems" LINK

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant: "Obama's Ethics Rules Won't Ban Big Fundraisers from Transition" LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman and Alexander Bolton: "Minorities press Obama" LINK

The Hill's Jordy Yager: "United Church Of Christ Wants Obama In D.C. Flock" LINK

The Hill's Sam Youngman: "Obama Lays Out Rules For Ethics" LINK

The Hill's Kevin Bogardus: "High-Tech Industry Sees Obama As An Ally" LINK

New York Daily News' Michael Mcauliff: "President-elect Obama to President Bush: Time to tell all" LINK

The New York Daily News' Carrie Melago: "Sasha And Malia Obama Invited On 'Hanna Montana,' Says Miley's Dad" LINK

The New York Daily News' James Gordon Meek: "Get out or face 'shame,' Taliban warn President-elect Obama" LINK

The Boston Globe's Liz Sidoti: "Obama marks Veterans Day with wreath laying" LINK

The Boston Globe's Michael Kranish: "Obama puts leash on lobbyists for transition" LINK

The Boston Globe's Foon Rhee: "The President Speaks on Obama and Regrets" LINK


The Wall Street Journal's Jonathan Weisman, Greg Hitt and John D. Mckinnon: "Democrats Plot Detroit Rescue" LINK

Bloomberg's Laura Litvan: "Pelosi's Auto-Rescue Plan Sets Up Clash With Bush, Republicans" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler: "Baucus to Push Health-Care Overhaul" LINK

2008: ECONOMY:

Associated Press' Alan Zibel: "Critics Say New Federal Mortgage Plan Not Enough" LINK

Associated Press' Anne D'Innocenzio: "Stores See Surge in Applicants for Holiday Help" LINK

The New York Times' David M. Herszenhorn and Carl Hulse: "Democrats Seek Help for Automakers" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Damian Paletta, Jessica Holzer and Ruth Simon: "U.S. Steps Up Help for Homeowners" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Deborah Solomon: "Treasury Considers Private Role In TARP" LINK

The Hill's Silla Brush: "Business Groups Want Lawmakers to Relax Requirements On Pensions" LINK

2008: JOHN McCAIN:

ABC News' Bret Hovell: "McCain: Americans Don't Want Sore Loser" LINK

The New York Times' Sarah Wheaton: "On 'Tonight,' McCain Declines to Lay Blame" LINK

The Politico's Jeffrey Ressner: "McCain laughs through his tears" LINK


.ABC News' Kate Snow: "Campaign's Over, Palin's Still Talking" LINK

The Politico's Mike Allen and Andy Barr: "Barone: Media wanted Palin abortion" LINK

The Boston Globe's Ann Sanner: "Palin puts 'brutal' 2008 behind her, looks to 2012" LINK


New York Daily News' James Gordon Meek: "I'll Get My Calls to Rahm Emanuel Thru, Sez Hillary Clinton" LINK

2008: THE 2012 ELECTION:

The New York Times' Alessandra Stanley: "Rehashing '08 and Rehearsing, Perhaps, for '12" LINK