The Note's Must-Reads

The First Stop in Politics -- It's What You Need to Know!

November 20, 2008—, 2008 -- 2008: ABC NEWS VIDEOS:

"Stephanopoulos on Obama's Cabinet" LINK

"Zawahiri Slams Obama With Slur" LINK

"Daschle Accepts Cabinet Post" LINK

"Hasselbeck: News Media Love Obama" LINK

"A Clinton Cabinet Rerun?" LINK

"Jimmy Watches Obama Squirm" LINK


ABC News' Brian Ross, Avni Patel, Megan Chuchmach and Rhonda Schwartz: "Al Qaeda Message Surfaces Criticizing Obama" LINK

ABC News' Lisa Stark, Brian Hartman and Kate Barrett: "Daschle Tapped for HHS Secretary" LINK

ABC News' Rick Klein, Huma Khan and Ferdous Al-Faruque: "Obama Pressed on Cabinet, Policy" LINK

USA Today's Fredreka Schouten and David Jackson: "Obama selects Tom Daschle as health chief" LINK

The Hill's Jordy Yager: "Bush In Rearview Mirror, Obama May Switch Plates" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Janet Hook and Noam N. Levey: "Daschle To Join Obama's Cabinet" LINK

The New York Times' Jeff Zeleny: "A New Wind Is Blowing in Chicago" LINK

The New York Times' David D. Kirkpatrick: "Obama's Pick of Daschle May Test Conflict-of-Interest Pledge" LINK

The New York Times' Mark Mazzetti and Scott Shane: "Al Qaeda Coldly Acknowledges Obama Victory" LINK

The Washington Post's Joe Davidson: "With Obama, Unions See Chance to Push Agenda" LINK

The Washington Post's Craig Whitlock: "Al-Qaeda Leader Uses Slur Against Obama in web Video" LINK

The Washington Post's Walter Pincus: "Poland won't Lobby Obama on Missile Defense" LINK

The Washington Post's Pamela Constable: "Bolivia's Morales Diplomatic, Defiant in Visit to D.C." LINK

The Washington Post's Spencer S. Hsu: "Ariz. Governor Said to Be Pick for Homeland Security Post" LINK

The Washington Post's Ceci Connolly: "Obama to Nominate Daschle as JJS Secretary" LINK

The Washington Post's Al Kamen: "A Democratic Cabinet With a Liberal Return Policy" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' James Oliphant: "Civil liberties groups have a wish list for Obama" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Josh Meyer: "Would-be attorney general Eric Holder haunted by Marc Rich pardon" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Rebecca Smith: "Clean Energy Confronts Messy Reality" LINK

Bloomberg's Edwin Chen and Julianna Goldman: "Daschle Said to Accept Offer as Health Secretary" LINK

Bloomberg's Timothy J. Burger: "Bill Clinton Sends Donor List to Obama to Help Hillary's Bid" LINK

Time Magazine's Karen Tumulty: "Daschle Could Be a Boost to Obama's Health-Care Agenda" LINK

The Washington Times' Christina Bellantoni: "Daschle tapped for HHS" LINK

The Washington Times' Donald Lambro: "Deficit pressure on promises" LINK

The Washington Times' Jon Ward: "Obama's Lieberman support angers bloggers" LINK

The Washington Times' David R. Sands: "Obama staying out of auto-bailout debate" LINK

New York Daily News' Kenneth R. Bazinet: "Team Obama thinks Hillary Clinton's people to blame for State speculation" LINK

New York Daily News' Richard Sisk and David Saltonstall: "Sweaty or not, here we come: Fitness important to President-elect Barack Obama, Michelle" LINK

New York Daily News' Michael Saul, Andrew S. Garib and James Gordon Meek: "Last-second Bubba pardon may haunt Barack's AG pick" LINK

Politico's Ben Smith: "Obama's first gamble: Clinton at State" LINK

Politico's Mike Allen: "Arizonan will head Homeland Security" LINK

Politico's Mike Allen: "Dems see new signs Gates will stay" LINK

Boston Globe's Sasha Issenberg: "Republicans feeling a new freedom" LINK

Boston Globe's Bryan Bender: "Kerry poised to cap long journey" LINK

Politico's Glenn Thrush: "Lieberman: Dems didn't punish me" LINK


The Washington Post's David Nakamura: "Jan. 20 Housing Is Risky Business" LINK

The Washington Post's Daniel de Vise: "Official Seeks to Make Inauguration Day a Holiday" LINK

The Washington Post's David Montgomery: "Handshake Man Says He'll Steer Clear Jan. 20" LINK


ABC News' Matthew Jaffe: "Beau Biden Heads to Iraq" LINK

USA Today's David Jackson: "Clinton attorney among Obama's new staff picks" LINK

2008: ECONOMY:

ABC News' Lisa Chinn: "Day Two: Automaker CEOs Grilled on Capitol Hill" LINK

Associated Press' Julie Hirschfeld: "Finger-Pointing Begins as Senate Nixes Auto Vote" LINK

Associated Press' Jeannine Aversa: "Fed Sees Economic Woes Persisting Into Next Year" LINK

USA Today's Pallavi Gogoi: "Cities, schools delay projects in tough climate for muni bonds" LINK

USA Today's Sue Kirchhoff: "Consumer prices plunged 1% in October" LINK

USA Today's Haya El Nasser and Paul Overberg: "Americans logging fewer miles on the road" LINK

USA Today's James R. Healey and Chris Woodyard: "Automakers can't afford to develop hybrids" LINK

The Hill's J. Taylor Rushing and Silla Brush: "Big Three On The Brink" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Greg Hitt, Jeffrey Mccracken and Matthew Dolan: "Auto Makers' Rescue Drive Stalls" LINK

Boston Herald Editorial by Rachelle Cohen: "Mitt Romney adds auto industry bailout to flip-flops" LINK

New York Daily News' Michael Daly: "Arrogant, boneheaded Big Three need to resign" LINK

Politico's David Rogers: "Auto bailout talks reach dead end" LINK

Boston Globe's Robert Gavin: "More bad news on economy batters" LINK

Boston Globe's Jenn Abelson: "Gift cards seen as no holiday bargain in tough times" LINK


USA Today's Michelle Healy: "Americans don't know civics" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Evan Perez: "U.S., NYPD Clash On Wiretap Requests" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler: "This Time Around, Health-Care Revamp Has Wings" LINK

Politico's Alexander Burns: "Conservatives mull the political future" LINK


The Washington Post's Carrie Johnson: "RNC Points to Attorney General Candidate's Role in Clinton Pardons" LINK

Boston Herald Op-Ed by Roger Simon: "Under Chairman Howard Dean, Democratic comeback" LINK


The New York Times' Raymond Hernandez and Michael Luo: "Clinton Said to Be Unsure About Cabinet Job" LINK

The New York Times' Noam N. Levey: "Ted Kennedy asks Hillary Clinton to head Senate healthcare team" LINK

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant: "Clinton May Need to Pay Off Debt Before Accepting Cabinet Post" LINK


USA Today's John Fritze: "Election glare still blinding in Minn. recount" LINK

Associated Press: "Bill Clinton stumps for Ga. Democrat" LINK

The Hill's Lauren Vernon: "Democrats Could Lose House Seat To Obama Selection for Cabinet" LINK

The Hill's Manu Raju: "Quiet End To Cheney's Senate Era" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' P.J. Huffstutter: "Recount In Senate Race Begins In Minnesota" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Noam N. Levey: "Ted Kennedy Asks Hillary Clinton To Head Senate Healthcare Team" LINK

The New York Times' Christina Capecchi: "Patience and Politeness as Minnesota Recounts Senate Ballots" LINK

The New York Times' William Yardley: "Congratulation and a Concession for Alaska's Senator-Elect" LINK

The New York Times' John M. Broder: "Waxman Advances in Struggle to Wrest Committee From Dingell" LINK

The Washington Post's Paul Kane: "Waxman Backed to Be Energy Chairman" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' P.J. Huffstutter: "Recount in Senate race begins in Minnesota" LINK


The Wall Street Journal's Stephen Power, Elizabeth Williamson And Christopher Conkey: "White House Pushes Through a Flurry of Rule Changes Sought by Business" LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Evan Perez: "Senate Probe to Look at Bond-Rating Firms" LINK

2008: JOHN McCAIN:

The Washington Post's Michael Leahy: "For McCain, A Subdued Return to Capitol Hill" LINK


Associated Press' Lisa Leff: "Calif. Supreme Court to Take up Gay Marriage Ban" LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Maura Dolan and Jessica Garrison: "Prop. 8 gay Marriage Ban Goes To Supreme Court" LINK

The New York Times' Jesse McKinley: "Top Court in California Will Review Proposition 8" LINK