Election Day Experiences

Nov. 2, 2004 — -- What is it like at polling centers across the country today? Here's a sample of comments from the ABCNews.com election message board.

Mythical_WMD I voted as have millions … we know there are trends emerging, polling, turnout numbers … the suspense is just killing me … I have to wait til 8 tonight? My gut is in knots.

Original_Skeepoola: I just voted in Pittsburgh and the lines are impressive More than 50% young people and I had to wait on line for over 2 hours.

dotties_mom: These were the longest lines I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it wonderful???????

republican4truth: I could not believe the long lines even though the polls had just opened. Viva Kerry/Edwards!

HeatInOhio: It felt good to vote. My wife and I voted Bush, but at least people are getting out there excersizing their right. That is one of the things that makes this country so great.

smartvoter: This morning, when dropping my kids off at school, I passed a polling place that had people backed out to the main road and down the sidewalk. It looks like a huge turnout. (I'm in Phoenix.)

kerry_Is_The_MAN: Well folks, it will be decided today … regardless of who wins, lets please all put our country first.

piratelt: No matter who wins, no matter what the Outcome, the name calling must stop and we must get behind the winner either Bush or Kerry. Let us remember that we are at war with the Terrorist, and we shall not have them divide us.

It is a great thing to see people debate and have passion for the election, but after the election, put it all aside and give the winner a chance. It is what strong democracies do.

Electronic Voting Machines vs. the Old Standards

stevebaxx: Paper punch cards, no chads!!! I CHECKED!

FlamingModerate: Nevada has the cool new electronic machines (and yes, they do have a paper trail). After some very minor glitches first thing in the morning, they worked great.

sarahbellum1: Pencil and paper connect-the-dots in my precinct. Hard to mess it up -- and if you realize you screwed up, you can erase it and start over. Then it is read by an electronic reading machine while you stand there.

xois2: We connect the arrows with a marker. Then it is electronically scanned. I put my ballot into the machine and it registered that I made an error (how embarrassing--it was early) … I accidently marked 2 choices in a column that should have had one. I got a new ballot (after my error ballot one was taken from me) and I did it right *sigh*

But I was sure glad it caught the mistake.

Juljo410: Electronic voting here in SWFL. I even got a sticker that said I voted electronically!

Last-Minute Politics

angelaranea: It is obvious that Bush is doing what is right for our country. He is in a bad spot, and with all the abuse he is getting from the liberals, he is still holding his ground about Iraq. You have to be proud of a man like him.

hostile_ambient_takeover: Everyone wants to be Donald Trump today. Bush, ya' fired!