ABC News / Facebook / WMUR Debates

— -- On Saturday, January 5, 2008 -- only two days after the critical Iowa caucuses and three days before the first in the nation New Hampshire primary, ABC News, Facebook, and ABC affiliate WMUR will team up for a historic debate night.

Republican and Democratic contenders for the White House will meet on stage in two separate events, both in primetime, and presented by ABC News.

"World News" anchor Charlie Gibson moderates the Republican contest first from Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, from 7:00-8:30pm ET. The Democrats take the stage second, from 9:00-10:30pm ET.

Following each debate, "Good Morning America" host Diane Sawyer will anchor live reports, providing a re-cap and analysis of the evening's events. She will be joined by "This Week" anchor George Stephanopoulos. Bianna Golodryga will report from the ABC News/Facebook desk.

All candidates must meet at least one of three criteria to participate:

1) Place first, second, third or fourth in the Iowa Caucuses

2) Poll 5% or higher in one of the last four reputable random sample New Hampshire telephone surveys sponsored by an established news organization and conducted and released on or before January 4, 2008.

3) Poll 5% or higher in one of the last four reputable random sample national telephone surveys sponsored by an established news organization and conducted and released on or before January 4, 2008.

Check back at for all the latest on the 2008 campaign and the New Hampshire debates.