Alaska 2020 election results

The state has three electoral votes at stake in the presidential race.

Voters head to the polls on Tuesday in Alaska, where there are three electoral votes -- the minimum number possible -- up for grabs.

Presidential Election

Senate Election

House Election

The Last Frontier State gave voters the option to choose between absentee or in-person early voting. On Election Day, polls are open from 7a.m. to 8 p.m.

State Significance

Alaska hasn't delivered its electoral votes for a Democrat since 1964. In 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump easily carried the state, beating Hillary Clinton by a nearly 15-point margin. While the state is expected to go to Trump again this year, Alaska voters are known for their independent mindset, and the majority of voters in Alaska are not registered as Republicans or Democrats. Nearly six in 10 voters are registered as either nonpartisan or undeclared.

*Counties are colored red or blue when the % expected vote reporting reaches a set threshold. This threshold varies by state and is based on patterns of past vote reporting and expectations about how the vote will report this year.