ANALYSIS: Amid Noise, Donald Trump Uniting Republican Party

The Republican Party is united behind someone who happens to divide.

Massachusetts is a New England state that’s the fifth wealthiest in the nation. Alabama is a Southern state that’s the fifth poorest. On Tuesday, they formed unlikely poles holding up a broadening Trump tent.

Both went for Trump, across income levels and ideological leanings. Voters went Trump for similar reasons -– because they’re “angry” at the federal government, because they want someone who can “bring needed change.”

The night revealed Trump’s soft spots, yet again. He can be beaten among the wealthiest and best-educated voters, and he may yet struggle as the campaign moves to big Midwestern states.

Trump is likely to face a sustained, well-funded effort to attack him in a negative way. Voting in winner-take-all Florida and Ohio, in two weeks, could prove to be an establishment last stand.

But Trump has already redefined the Republican Party, in his own unique way. If party regulars are angry about that, they have only their own voters to blame.

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