ANALYSIS: Spicer's Hitler gaffe complicates Trump push on Russia

Spicer’s comment yesterday was, at best, stunning in its historical inaccuracy.

Spicer spent much of the rest of the day apologizing for his remark -– including, at one point, a mention of what happened in “Holocaust centers,” an apparent reference to concentration camps. The comments brought swift denunciations from Holocaust remembrance organizations and even Israeli officials.

There’s another irony in the American case to Russia. The Trump administration is asking Putin -– and the world community –- to trust the judgment of U.S. intelligence agencies when it comes to Assad’s responsibility for a chemical attack.

Those would be the same intelligence agencies whose judgment and motivations President Trump himself has openly questioned in the still-early days of his presidency. That brings matters back to the Russia probe, the scandal that hangs over all that Trump does and attempts to do on the international stage.