ANALYSIS: A year ago Donald Trump promised to shake up the world, and shake it he did

At the end of his first year in office, many challenges remain the same.

Trump's words, spoken and tweeted, were deeply unsettling - everything from threatening to rain “fire and fury” on North Korea to that out-of-left-field suggestion the the United States take military action against Venezuela.

A new survey of world opinions by Gallup this week suggests that Trump’s presidency has damaged America’s standing in the world. Approval of U.S. leadership in the world across is just 30 percent, according to Gallup, a new low and 18 points lower than the 48 percent approval rating of the Obama Administration.

Still, appearances can also deceive.

There’s little Trump has done that any other Republican president would not have - unleashing the military to hunt and kill ISIS, threatening to tear up the Iran nuclear deal, maintaining America’s military presence in Afghanistan, siding with Israel, ditching the Trans Pacific Partnership and Paris Climate Accords - all positions other Republican presidents would likely have taken.

And at the end of his first year in office, the challenges remain the same as they were when he took office: how to slow and stop North Korea’s steady progression towards achieving a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the United States; how to manage Russia’s relentless pressure in Europe and in cyberspace; and how to combat China’s growing economic and political power.

As the president begins his second year, the administration’s priorities were laid out by Defense Secretary James Mattis in the National Defense Strategy unveiled Friday.

This week China’s communist party ‘People’s Daily’ published a front page declaration of how China sees it’s role in the world in 2018 and beyond. Declaring that the world is facing a “democratic deficit,” the manifesto declared that “the world needs China,” and that the vacuum of leadership “creates broad strategic room for our efforts to uphold peace and development and gain an advantage.”

That “broad strategic room,” a direct result of a president who set out to distance America from the world, and succeeded.

This story is part of a weeklong series examining the first year of the Trump administration.