How Antonin Scalia's Death Could Affect the Outcome of These 5 Cases

Here are five high-profile cases that could end with 4-4 ties.

In cases where the court divides evenly, the decision of the lower court stands and no national precedent is set. And while the justices could attempt to avoid ties through forging compromise to find five votes on narrow rulings, or schedule some cases for reargument next year, it is still possible that some of the most high-profile cases before the court could result in 4-4 ties.

Kate Shaw, an ABC News contributor and an assistant professor of law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York, gives a quick overview and analysis of five cases in which such a split is a possibility.

Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt

The plaintiffs argue that there’s no evidence that these regulations promote health, and that they’re really about impeding women’s access to abortion. The lower courts sided with the state, which defends the laws as protecting women’s health.

All eyes will be on Justice Kennedy at oral arguments; if he thinks the regulations have gone too far, they’ll likely be struck down 5-3; if not, the court will likely divide 4-4, affirming the lower court opinion and leaving the regulations in effect, but making no law for the rest of the country.

Evenwel v. Abbott

Since the 1960s, the court has held that legislative districts must comply with the principle of “one person, one vote.” Since then, most states have interpreted that rule as requiring them to draw legislative districts by evenly dividing the population between districts

In this case, several Texas voters claim that this method of dividing up the population violates the Constitution. Their argument is that because some districts contain significant numbers of individuals who are ineligible to vote, the voters in those districts are unfairly advantaged in comparison to voters in other districts.

If the plaintiffs are successful (the lower court rejected their claim), the suit would upend redistricting practice across the country. Signals were a bit murky coming out of oral arguments, so it’s not entirely clear how Scalia’s absence will affect the case. But a 4-4 tie would leave the lower court opinion rejecting the challenge in place.

Zubik v. Burwell

A number of religious groups have objected to this process, arguing that their religious convictions prevent them even from participating in a process that will eventually result in the provision of contraceptive coverage. Many court watchers believe that the court will uphold the accommodation 5-3, though, once again, all eyes will be on Kennedy during oral arguments. If the court divides 4-4, the lower court opinions being reviewed will be affirmed, which will leave the accommodation process in place in those circuits.

United States v. Texas