Arizona State Results Election 2016

Election results are refreshed automatically every 30 seconds after polls close at 10 p.m. ET. There is no need to refresh the page to see the latest data.

Why the state is significant:

Since 1952, the Grand Canyon State has voted Democrat only once, in 1996 when voters backed Bill Clinton.

In 1960, Arizona had four electoral votes, today, it has almost tripled to 11 because of the rapid population growth.

Fast facts:

In 2012, Mitt Romney defeated rival, Rick Santorum in the Republican primary by a wide margin of 47-27 percent. In the general election, Romney beat Barack Obama in the Grand Canyon state by 9 percent.

Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and anti-immigration sheriff of the state, Joe Arpaio, endorsed 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.