Battleground Breakdown: Where Key States Stand in the 2016 Presidential Race

Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada and North Carolina are up for grabs.

“The RNC is the infrastructure for the entire GOP ticket, and the Trump campaign has embraced it,” she said, calling it “effective and efficient” to have all their efforts run through the same team rather than having separate teams for Trump and the RNC.

Ad spending is going to be ramping up in many states, and the influx is even clearer in these five battleground states.

Here are primers on five states that could make the election break one way or the other.



A state that Trump lost in the Republican caucuses is key to his winning the presidency. Read the breakdown here.


There’s an old saying, As Ohio goes, so goes the nation. Read the breakdown here.


Luck has always played a pivotal role for fortune seekers in Nevada, and now Clinton and Trump are betting on the Silver State. Read the breakdown here.

North Carolina

North Carolina wasn’t always a battleground state — in fact, it has gone red in five of the last six elections — but since Barack Obama’s victory there in 2008, Democrats have homed in on the state’s changing demographics and young population. Read the breakdown here.