How Ben Carson Appears to Be Second-Guessing Oregon Shooting Victims

The GOP presidential candidate made the comments this morning.

“From the indications I got, they did not rush the shooter,” Carson said on "CBS This Morning" discussing the Oregon shooting. “The shooter can only shoot one person at a time, he cannot shoot a group of people.”

Carson suggested that the victims should have rushed the shooter to prevent more lives from being lost, telling ABC News yesterday that he would have confronted the gunman and would have instructed people to attack the gunman.

“I said what I would do. ... I would ask everyone to attack the gunman,” Carson told ABC News. “That way we wouldn’t all end up dead.”

Tying his position to his childhood in Detroit and career as a surgeon, Carson wrote in the post that he “never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.”

“They key thing to do is look at all of these shooters and see what we can glean in terms of their personalities in terms of what kinds of behavioral circumstances they have had in the past,” Carson said. "There are warning signs."

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