Ben Carson Says Entry of Terrorism Suspect Tashfeen Malik Should ‘End’ Syrian Refugee Debate

"...It should end this whole argument about Syrian refugees,” Carson said.

“Someone told me this today. I’ll have to check it out but if it’s true, it should end this whole argument about Syrian refugees,” Carson said. “Said the woman who was involved in the massacre in California was vetted and brought here after that vetting process. Now if that resulted, that vetting resulted in missing someone who could carry out such a horrendous crime, that should be the end of the argument right there. We shouldn’t have to talk about this anymore.”

“I mean, arguably, it’s longer in duration; it’s a more thorough vetting,” Toner told reporters in a briefing Thursday. “But we stand by the K-1 visa and our visa processing as well.”

Toner said the the K-1 applicants, like other visa applicants, go through a vigorous screening process as well.

“But we stand by the K-1 visa and our visa processing as well,” he said. “Look since 9/11, all of these involve multiple layers of vetting with multiple agencies putting folks through various systems where we watch individuals, what their affiliations are, whether they’re on any kind of watch lists. All of this is done for any visa application, but certainly stringent — most stringent for the refugees, and we’ve said none more stringently than those coming from Syria.”

“We need to fight people in the Internet. You know one of the things that the radical Islamists are about to do is get to a lot of disaffected people and tell them that we can make your life a lot better and they do that through social media,” he told the crowd in Phoenix. “Where we should be putting our opposing messages through social media and we should use cyber weapons to disrupt their social media.”

Sources told ABC News that Malik was using an alias on social media and pledged her allegiance to ISIS leader al Baghdadi in the hours before the massacre.