Ben Carson Leads Donald Trump 28-20 in New Iowa Poll

Carson has gained 8 points in the poll while Trump has lost 7.

Carson garners 28 percent support from likely Republican caucus-goers in the Hawkeye state, climbing 8 points over the last month to his highest support there yet. Trump earns 20 percent, dropping 7 points in the last month.

Carson’s new lead in Iowa comes mostly thanks to growing support among women. While Trump and Carson each receive roughly the same amount of support from men, Carson earns 33 percent of women compared to only 13 percent for Trump.

The Quinnipiac poll comes just one day after an ABC News/Washington Post poll showed Trump holding steady, leading Carson by 10 points. And more than four in 10 Republicans nationally think Trump will ultimately win the GOP nomination -– and with good reason: he’s led national polls for more than three months.

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