Bernie Sanders Fans May Be Slow to Come Around to Hillary Clinton

Sanders gave a hearty endorsement of Hillary Clinton Tuesday morning.

“She’s a liar, she’s a crook,” LaFountain of Webster, Mass. said of the former Secretary of State while wearing a Sanders shirt. “She’s only about people with power and money.”

Plenty of people from both sides, though, did stay through the entire event. Kristi Zola of Wheelock, Vermont, listened to what both candidates had to say and in the end said she was still “brokenhearted.”

Gabriel McArthur, a Sanders delegate from Colorado said he was still going to push for Sanders and his agenda at the convention. “While I have the utmost respect for Sen. Sanders decision and the integrity his endorsement displays, I reject his endorsement and will continue to support him as the stronger Democratic candidate,” he wrote in a statement to ABC News.

One Sanders’ staffer told ABC News plainly that today “sucked,” another said he was sad and that it felt like they got beat by a “corporate machine."

Paula Iacella from Wilton, New Hampshire, stood with her back turned to Clinton during the event. “I think there’s millions of people who are very disappointed Sanders endorsed her so wholeheartedly. My way of protesting her was not to look at her. I believed her words were very hollow,” Iacella said.

Sanders’ wrote in an email to his fans today that he knew there would be a lot of disappointment, but added that in the coming weeks he will be launching “successor organizations to carry on the struggle.” The groups in part, the campaign says, will work on electing other progressives around the country.