Bernie Sanders Praised by Jewish Groups on Both Sides of the Aisle

Sanders, the son of a Polish immigrant, made history in New Hampshire this week.

“We congratulate Senator Sanders on his victory,” Greg Rosenbaum, chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council, a political lobbying group, said.

“We’re happy when anybody who is Jewish is successful politically and this is just another step in the right direction for diversity on the national stage whether it’s religiously, racially or gender wise,” Mark McNulty, a spokesman for the organization, said.

And Rosenbaum, of the National Jewish Democratic Council, argued that there is a stark contrast between how the two parties support Jewish values.

“The Democratic nominating process is shaping up as a discussion of how best to implement policy that is very much in line with Jewish values,” he said, “while the Republicans remind us time and time again of how out of touch their party is with issues that matter to most American Jews.”

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, president and founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, an organization that supports Israel and promotes cooperation between Jews and Christians, said the Democratic contest “is a sign our democracy is flourishing when a Jew and women from both parties can be considered serious candidates for president of the United States and we've had an African-American president.”

Eckstein added, "The Jewish community is, of course, not monolithic and there are Jewish supporters of every candidate in the race, who will base that support on those candidates' positions on important issues, rather than on their religions or backgrounds.”