How Bernie Sanders Spent the Week Before Super Tuesday

Bernie Sanders spoke directly to more than 85,000 people this week alone.

“We're going to be competing in 11 states all across this country on Super Tuesday,” Sanders said. “And I believe that on Super Tuesday we have got an excellent chance to win many of those states.”

He would repeat that line many times over the next week.

Following the Nevada caucuses, Sanders traveled to 11 states and held 24 events over the course of eight days, culminating in a spirited rally in Boston yesterday.

Often flying three times a day on an Eastern airlines plane chartered by his campaign, Sanders, his staffers, reporters and U.S. Secret Service officers logged approximately 15,650 miles during that time.

“This campaign is just beginning,” Sanders’ communication director Michael Briggs told ABC News. “In Iowa and New Hampshire, the more people got to know Bernie, the better they liked him. With 11 states holding caucuses and primaries on Tuesday and a dozen more states voting later in March, we are doing everything we can to get Bernie in front of as many people as possible.”

And it was a lot of people. Based on crowd count numbers from the campaign and venue staff, the Vermont senator spoke directly to more than 85,500 people in total during his events post-Nevada, including almost 20,000 people last Saturday.

There were some notable exceptions to Sanders’ whirlwind schedule. Sanders has not visited Tennessee nor Arkansas, whereas he has traveled to three separate Minnesota cities on three separate trips this week alone.

Sanders also spent time this week in states that do not vote until later in March, including Ohio (which votes March 15) and Michigan (which votes March 8).

Speaking to reporters after casting his own ballot in Vermont’s primary this morning, Sanders again said he was taking his campaign all the way to the Democratic party’s national convention in July.