Bernie Sanders Takes on Donald Trump Online

The Vermont senator takes aim at Republican front-runner.

Sanders’ first tweet of the night came in direct response to Trump’s commenting during his Burlington rally that he would “love” to run against the progressive.

“Finally @realDonaldTrump and I agree on something. He and I both want to run against the other. Guess who wins?" Sanders tweeted back, including a link to a recent Quinnipiac poll that had Sanders winning handily in a general election matchup against Trump.

Not only has Sanders joked with his fans on the trail lately that he hopes they will give him a chance to take on Trump, but he has also ramped up the number of times he references the billionaire during his prepared remarks.

In interviews, Sanders has said that he believes Trump is appealing to the "fears and anxieties" of the U.S. people and he has gone out of his way at times to validate Trump supporters by saying that people have a right to be scared based on the state of the economy and wages.