Bernie Sanders Vows to Break up Nation's Largest Banks Within His First Year

Sanders announced his plans for Wall Street reform in a speech Monday.

"I will rein in Wall Street so they cannot crash our economy again. Will the folks on Wall Street like me? No,” he said unmistakably referring to a moment during the last debate when Secretary Clinton said everyone, including big business should love her. “Will they begin to play by the rules if I am president, you better believe it,” he added.

“Secretary Clinton says we just need to impose a few more fees and regulations on the financial industry," he said. "I disagree.”

“My opponent says that, as a senator, she told bankers to “cut it out” and end their destructive behavior,"he said. "But, in my view, establishment politicians are the ones who need to “cut it out.” Sanders added to the delight of his friendly crowd.

Sanders has focused his campaign message on what he calls the “greed” and “recklessness” of Wall Street. He regularly accuses big banks for what he sees as “illegal” behavior and he speaks with vitriol about the fact that no major banking executives went to jail after the collapse of financial and mortgage markets in 2008. He continued with these ultimatums and harsh rhetoric Tuesday at the Townhall theatre, saying: “So, to those on Wall Street who may be listening today, let me be very clear. Greed is not good. Wall Street and corporate greed is destroying the fabric of our nation.

"Here is a New Year’s Resolution that we will keep: If Wall Street does not end their greed, we will end it for them,” he said in his speech.

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