The Best Political Gifts Ideas of 2014

An unscientific roundup of the best political gift ideas.

— -- intro: In a year with no shortage of political headlines, ABC News has rounded up some of the best political gifts ideas from Washington, the Internet, and everywhere in between for politicos on your holiday list.

quicklist:1title: Republicans: George H.W. Bush Socks

Limited-edition pairs of bright striped socks -- embroidered with Bush 41’s signature and Republican elephants -- have been available through the RNC website with a contribution of at least $35. A second red, white, and blue pattern has also been released.


quicklist:2title: Democrats: Ready for Hillary Gear

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quicklist:3title: Coffee Drinkers: Political Mugs

text: Texas Democrats are trying to score a few more laughs at Gov. Rick Perry’s expense before the potential presidential candidate leaves office. The state party is selling coffee mugs emblazoned with the outgoing governor’s mug shot—and the message “#mugshot”-- taken in August during Perry’s booking for the charges he faced for abuse of power.

Another option is the cryptic mug available at the National Security Agency’s gift shop. According to the Washington Post, a message scrawled on the side of the cup is deciphered when warm liquid is added to the mug.

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quicklist:5title: Supreme Court Watchers: Notorious R.B.G.

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quicklist:6title: Campaign Junkies: Pre-Presidential Memoirs

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