What We Know About Betsy DeVos' Views on Education

Trump picks a school-choice activist philanthropist for education post.

Trump described DeVos, who supported other candidates in the primaries, as a “brilliant and passionate education advocate” in a statement.


In the past, DeVos has been linked to Common Core learning standards that are derided by many conservatives and Trump supporters. However, she denied being a supporter in a statement on her website, referring to the math and reading guidelines used in many states as a “federalized boondoggle.”

Trump has criticized Common Core and pledged he would repeal the standards if elected, although state initiatives would not be under his purview.


In terms of charter schools, DeVos has pushed for fewer regulations in her home state of Michigan. She and her husband have also lead the Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation, a non-profit school choice advocacy group. They also have a private investment firm, the Windquest Group, which invests in technology.

Those advocating for charter schools, which are not unionized, are at odds with teachers unions.

As chairman of the American Federation for Children, she has supported candidates who endorse using vouchers or other programs, including tax-credit scholarships, to help send children to private schools.

"Above all, I believe every child, no matter their zip code or their parents’ jobs, deserves access to a quality education," her website reads.


In choosing DeVos to be his education secretary pick, Trump appears to be honoring a campaign pledge to make changes to school choice, although previous efforts to invest in charter schools have failed to make progress in Congress.

The group says with DeVos as the pick, it means the country is “far from ensuring that every child has the option of a great public education” and warned some that “have it now will lose it.”