Biden tells ABC's David Muir he 'can hardly wait' for fall debates

Four presidential debates are slated ahead of November.

“The president said he's already prepping for the debates. Are you?” Muir asked.

“So am I,” Biden told Muir. “I can hardly wait.”

The Democratic presidential nominee didn’t specify who is playing the role of President Donald Trump in his debate prep, but reiterated that he is prepping.

Although Biden will have three chances to go head to head with Trump this fall, his vice presidential running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris, will have just one highly anticipated face-off with Vice President Mike Pence in October.

One of her most notable exchanges occurred during the confirmation hearing of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about reproductive rights.

“Can you think of any law that gives the government the power to make decisions about the male body?” Harris asked at the time.

“I’m happy to answer a more specific question,” Kavanaugh said after a pause.

“Male versus female,” Harris replied.

The exchange went viral on social media. Those exchanges have also gotten the attention of President Trump, who has criticized Harris for having been, in his opinion, “extraordinarily nasty” during the confirmation hearings in one of his first attacks after Biden named her as his running mate.

In a recent interview, Pence said he is looking forward to debating Harris.

“I'm looking forward to that debate more than I can tell you. You need look no further,” he said.

When Muir asked Harris about the Vice President’s comments, Harris said she is also looking forward to the debate.

“Oh good. Me, too,” Harris said.

“You’re prepping?” Muir asked.

“I’m looking forward to seeing him. Yes, absolutely,” Harris said.

Muir and "Good Morning America" co-anchor Robin Roberts conducted joint interviews with Harris and Biden -- their first since accepting the Democratic nomination -- which was featured in a special edition of "20/20" called "The Ticket: The First Interview," which aired Sunday on ABC.