Bill Clinton Says Foundation 'Has to Be Totally out of Politics' If Hillary Wins

Former President Bill Clinton made his 10th appearance

“It has to be totally out of politics,” said Clinton about his foundation. “And if Hillary becomes president it has to be at arms length. I can’t be involved in it at all.”

“I watch you,” said Clinton as he sat across Noah. “I am one of your older demographics.”

“Oh I thought you were 18-34,” Noah quipped.

Friends and aides to the president have said that the idea of giving up his foundation in the event that Hillary Clinton becomes president is deeply personal.

The president said he is confident that his wife would become the next commander-in-chief. “Most of her strongest supporters are people who have worked for her or have done business with him. They’re for her too!” exclaimed the former president.

“At the convention they had to hook me off the stage,” laughed Clinton. “I really am in my second childhood.”