Brexit and Donald Trump Campaign Have More in Common Than Meets the Eye

Trump’s remarks from Scotland on Brexit sounded similar to his stump speeches.

The presumptive GOP nominee weaved in the nationalist themes that have become a hallmark of his campaign, touting a hardline position on immigration.

“When people pour into the country and it doesn't work, whether it's because of crime or, you know, various other things,” Trump said today, sounding reminiscent to his controversial remarks on Mexican immigrants made during his presidential announcement last year.

As for Clinton, “Well, she’s always misread everything. I mean – no, if you think. She’s misread this. And I was surprised that she was so bold,” he said standing in front of the Turnberry lighthouse that houses two luxurious suites overlooking the ninth hole of his golf course.

“You know, if Obama wanted the other way, if he said leave, she would have said leave. She does whatever he wants her to do.”

Trump’s comments come amid striking similarities between the politics swirling around Britain’s decision to leave the European Union and his campaign in the United States.

Both include a nationalist push, escalated by polarized views on immigration in recent years. Trump’s campaign centers on strengthening U.S. borders, going as far as to ban Muslims immigrants temporarily and all people traveling from Syria.

The British election was largely fueled by Britain’s equivalent to the U.S. “Rust Belt”: places like Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump hopes to make a play for traditionally blue states with working class people who are struggling economically.