Bristol Palin Reveals True Feelings About the McCains, 'Dancing With the Stars,' Levi Johnston and More

Sarah Palin's eldest daughter reveals true feelings about 2008 election.

June 21, 2011 — -- From Levi Johnston to Meghan McCain, Bristol Palin has been put off by a lot of people.

In her memoir due out Friday, "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far," the 20-year-old daughter of former Alaska governor/potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin reveals her true feelings about the father of her son, the daughter of her mother's 2008 running mate, and much more.

Palin writes that the first time she met the 26-year-old daughter of Sen. John McCain, she "ignored us during the entire visit." This was just before Senator McCain introduced Sarah Palin as his running mate. Palin adds that she "had a sneaking suspicion I might need to watch my back."

"Every time we saw Meghan, she seemed to be constantly checking us out, comparing my family to hers and complaining," she writes. "Oh the complaining."

Cindy McCain, the senator's wife, also rubbed the eldest Palin daughter the wrong way.

"I'd never seen people with so much Louis Vuitton luggage, so many cell phones, and so many constant helpers to do hair and makeup," Palin writes, adding that the would-be first lady looked "like a queen" and held "herself like royalty."

Palin writes that she was shocked when the senator's wife offered to be a godmother to her unborn baby: "I had just met her and I wondered why she wanted any type of guardianship over my child."

Palin also shares not-so-fond memories of her 2010 stint on "Dancing With the Stars," where she and her professional partner, Mark Ballas, finished in third place.

"I noticed some of the contestants rolled their eyes when they realized we'd survived to dance another day," she writes, adding that some of the contenders voted off "literally would not speak to us or acknowledge our presence."

Bristol Palin Saves Most Biting Words for Levi Johnston

The most biting words in the book are reserved for Johnston, Palin's high school boyfriend and the father of her 2-year-old son, Tripp. Palin was drunk on wine coolers when she lost her virginity to Johnston while camping. She writes that she "didn't know that girly flavored wine coolers were just as likely to get you drunk as the hard stuff."

Palin had vowed to wait until marriage to have sex, and when she confronted Johnston about the encounter, he said they would refrain from the act until after saying their vows.

But, Palin writes, they soon became intimate again and she got pregnant with their son shortly after. She writes that she was taking birth control pills at the time to treat menstrual cramps; she went through eight home pregnancy tests before she was convinced of the positive results

Palin refers to Johnston as a "gnat" and claims he "cheated on me about as frequently as he sharpened his hockey skates." She writes that while her parents accepted her pregnancy, he wasn't so supportive, saying the child "Better be a f**king boy."

Even when Tripp was born, according to Palin, Johnston's hands-off attitude persisted. She writes that "doctors tried to hand Levi the scissors to cut the cord but he backed away. He said it was too gross, an odd statement since he's been able to field dress a moose with one arm tied behind his back."

Motherhood is a constant theme of Palin's book. Now, though she's made hundreds of thousands of dollars lecturing to young adults about abstinence, she relishes her maternal instincts. While visiting Haiti on a humanitarian trip with her parents, Fox News host Greta Van Susteren and the Rev. Franklin Graham, Palin offered to take home a baby reeling from Haiti's 2010 earthquake.

Palin describes seeing an 8-month-old boy at a cholera treatment center whose mother had recently passed away. The baby's father was caring for him and six other children. She writes, "I could tell by his emotion and urgency that he was trying to give the baby up for a chance at life."

"I actually offered to take the baby home," she continues, "but you obviously can't just pick up a child and take him out of the country! (It felt wrong to leave him there, though, whatever 'the system.')"