Why Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal Could Miss the Next GOP Debate

Five candidates are in danger of missing the next debate stages.

It's possible that we could have already seen our last Republican debate with 10 candidates packed onto a stage.

A Fox Business rep told ABC News that the network will reveal the debate stage participants on Thursday at 7 p.m.

“We won’t know until tonight," Christie said on Fox News Thursday morning. "But listen, the bottom line is you need to be on a stage and debating. And so I will be on a stage debating one way or another, wherever they put me. You want to put one in the middle of the square in Manchester, I’ll do it there. People need to hear our voice and our ideas.”

In order to make the mainstage debate, a candidate must hit an average of 2.5 percent in the four most recent national polls, according to Fox Business criteria. A candidate must hit at least 1 percent in at least one of those four of those polls to make the undercard debate.

The men were at 2 percent and less than 0.5 percent respectively in a Fox New poll out today.

The rest of the field is almost certain to make the cut.

It all depends on which polls Fox Business chooses to include in their calculations. The network has said that they would include polls from "major, nationally-recognized organizations that use standard methodological techniques."