Chris Christie Expects to 'Over-Perform' in Iowa Compared to Polls

The presidential candidate was optimistic about his prospects in Iowa.

"I'll wait for the voting before I start reacting," the former federal prosecutor told ABC News’ Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos on an appearance on "Good Morning America" today.

Despite what his poll numbers show, Christie admits he’s exactly where he wants to be in the Hawkeye State.

“What I’ve wanted all along is to come out of Iowa as the number one governor. Polls show that I will be the number one governor.”

While Christie may not be expecting a surprise out of Iowa, he said he believes the best is yet to come.

“Let’s wait and not draw conclusions off polling,” he said.

The latest Des Moines Register-Bloomberg poll in Iowa shows Christie at 3 percent, which he takes as a “good sign” for his campaign.

The New Jersey governor said he is confident his campaign will “over-perform” what the polls show.

“If I get asked a question, I will give an honest answer. The same way he would do it about me,” Christie said. “Believe me, I’ve known Donald for a long time. His feelings don’t get hurt that easily.”

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