Chris Christie Vows to Continue Even If Marco Rubio Beats Him in New Hampshire

The New Jersey governor says Rubio "just doesn't have any experience."

"We need to make sure we nominate someone who not only can beat Hillary Clinton but also can manage the government and get it back on the right track once they're elected president of the United States," Christie, 53, argued. "No need to take those chances on someone who's never managed anything larger than a 30-person Senate staff."

In a UMass Lowell poll released today, Rubio is polling at 15 percentage points (steadily rising to second place) while Christie is stuck at 5 percentage points in New Hampshire.

On the controversy over the Iowa caucuses, and the accusations from Ben Carson and Donald Trump that Ted Cruz “stole” the election there, Christie said the election is over and that the candidates should move on.

"I don't think any time in politics when you lose and you ask for a do-over that's something that gives people a lot of confidence in your leadership,” Christie said. "The results are the results. You move on to the next contest and try to win the next contest; stop focusing on the rearview mirror.”

Christie said that even if he doesn't beat Rubio Tuesday, it's not the end of his campaign.

"No,” he said, “it's not a concession to that at all.”

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