Clinton Leads Trump by 10 Points in New Poll of Likely Voters

A Quinnepiac University poll shows the Democratic nominee clears 50 percent.

A large number of respondents took issue with Trump's ongoing refusal to release his tax returns, including those in his party. Seventy-four percent of all those polled and 62 percent of those who identified as Republicans believe that he should release his returns.

Both candidates continue to receive negative favorability ratings: Clinton's divide is 41 percent favorable to 53 percent unfavorable, while Trump's is 33 percent favorable to 61 percent unfavorable.

A large split emerges in responses about the nominees' qualifications to hold the presidency. Sixty-six percent view Clinton as qualified, while only 40 percent said the same for Donald Trump.

Though 37 percent of participants in the poll say they would consider voting for a third-party candidate, most say they have made up their minds already: 90 percent indicated they don't believe they will change the candidate they are supporting before the election.