More of Clinton's Private Emails Made Public

The State Department released 1,116 pages of her email today.

Earlier this month, a federal judge overseeing the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit ordered the State Department to release the remaining emails in four installments over the course of February. That order was issued after the department failed to release all 52,455 pages of email in its possession by the end of January.

To date, the State Department has made public 46,946 pages of Clinton's emails. The 1,116 pages released today contained 562 actual emails.

Today's release date, along with the next two scheduled for Feb. 26 and 29, are all politically significant for the presidential candidate.

Nevada's Democratic caucus is scheduled for Saturday, while South Carolina's Democratic primary election falls on Feb. 27. March 1, the day after all the emails are set to be published, is known as "Super Tuesday," during which a dozen primary elections will be held.