Colbert calls out Trump for 'falsely insisting' he couldn't help immigrant children

Trump said he was confident that the order would make "a lot of happy people."

"After weeks of tearing families apart at the border and then falsely insisting that only Congress could solve the problem, this afternoon the president looked deep into his heart and realized it was not there," Colbert said on "The Late Show."

The dig came just hours after the president signed an executive order saying he will "keep the families together" amid growing outrage over a policy that's separated thousands of families who entered the country illegally.

Trump and his administration previously blamed Democrats in Congress for the controversial separations and claimed they lacked the authority to change the policy unilaterally.

"However you slice it, Donald Trump has changed his mind and decided to keep families together," Colbert said. "And just in time, too: Melania was about to turn herself in at the border."

Trump said he was confident that the order would make "a lot of happy people," but Colbert disagreed.

"Happy people?" Colbert joked. "Wait, are you signing your resignation?"