Comedians take on Trump State of the Union in live after-party broadcasts

Late-night comedians did away with their usual pre-tapings. on Wednesday.

The president tried to strike an optimistic tone with his 80-minute speech late Tuesday, so much so that some late-night hosts said they barely recognized the president.

At one point in the speech, Trump said, “If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cross it. If there is a challenge, we tame it. If there is an opportunity, we seize it.”

Colbert, however, said the passage should have went more like this: "If there's a burger, we eat it. If there is a porn star, we bone it. If there's an immigrant, we deport it. If there's an investigation, we undermine it."

“That's right, about a dozen Democrats boycotted the state of the union. There were so many black women missing, Boko Haram tried to take credit,” Noah joked, referring to the jihadist terrorist organization, which once kidnapped hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls.

Noah also pointed out a portions of the speech that he said said were inaccurate, including the part when the president claimed to have "passed the biggest tax reforms in American history.”

“This is a lie, nowhere near it. But this wasn't a night for facts,” Noah said. “This is all about celebrating President Trump. He was in such a good mood he reached across the aisle not just to grope someone but to get something done.

“Watching a Trump speech is like watching him cover mistakes. He screws up all the time many, it's normal. But for him, it's not a mistake, it's an opportunity to redefine reality,” he added.

"I saw that Trump read his speech off a teleprompter. You could tell, because he began by saying, 'Applause, good evening, applause. Please be seated. They sit,'" Fallon joked. "To make sure he stayed on track, his staff had a little Mickey Mouse head bounce over the words like a sing-a-long song.

"But experts said it was a very historic State of the Union, you know, because it marked the first time since taking office that Trump went a full hour without tweeting," he added.