Coming Up on 'This Week': Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Gov. Mitch Daniels

The figures behind the biggest announcements for 2012 talk to "This Week."

WASHINGTON, May 25, 2011— -- Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty made it official this week, formally launching his campaign for the 2012 Republican nomination, and Sunday talks exclusively to Christiane Amanpour. How does he size up the competition? Is the Ryan budget serious trouble for Republicans? And what will it take to deny President Obama a second term?

Pawlenty entered the race this week and Mitch Daniels declined to join it. The Indiana governor ended months of speculation with a surprise midnight email to supporters this week, saying he will not run. Daniels added, "I love my country, but I love my family more."

Amanpour travels this week to Indianapolis -- where, if they're not talking about the governor's decision, they're talking about the Indy 500 this weekend -- and goes one on one with Daniels on his decision, the Republican field and the challenges facing his state and the nation. Mitch Daniels only on "This Week," this Sunday.

The 2012 race leads it off, and from there we will turn to jobs and the economy. So many college students are celebrating with pomp and circumstance this weekend at commencement ceremonies. But what kind of future do they face? Amanpour will turn to that issue and all the week's news on "This Week." We hope you'll join us.