Coming Up on 'This Week': John McCain and Robert Gibbs

Mitt Romney-backer John McCain and Obama strategist Robert Gibbs on GOP race.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 17, 2012— -- As the Republican battle for Michigan heats up, 2008 GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain comes exclusively to "This Week" and goes one-on-one with ABC News senior White House correspondent Jake Tapper.

McCain has endorsed his former rival, Mitt Romney, who beat him in Michigan four years ago. But can a surging Rick Santorum campaign pull off a major upset against Romney in his home state? Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., weighs in from Afghanistan on the state of the GOP race, as well as rising tension with Iran and secret negotiations with the Taliban, Sunday on "This Week."

Then, Obama campaign senior advisor and former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs takes on the GOP field in a "This Week" exclusive.

As Washington continues battling on how to improve the economy, has President Obama done enough to deserve re-election? And will a long Republican primary race help or hurt the Obama re-election campaign? See Robert Gibbs this Sunday, only on "This Week."

Plus, the "This Week" roundtable debates all the week's politics, with ABC's George Will, ABC News senior political correspondent Jonathan Karl, FOX Business Network host Lou Dobbs, Vanity Fair contributing editor and former Clinton White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers, and Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page.

How would a Santorum win over Romney in Michigan change the Republican race? Will culture wars over contraception and gay marriage affect the general election?

See the whole political picture Sunday on "This Week."