Coming Up on 'This Week': Rep. Michele Bachmann and Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty

A Special Edition of 'This Week' from Ames, Iowa Following the Iowa Straw Poll

WASHINGTON, August 11, 2011— -- Sunday on a special edition of "This Week" live from Ames, Iowa, site of the Iowa Straw Poll, ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper speaks with top Republican contenders Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

With Thursday night's Iowa debate and Saturday's straw poll, the Republican nomination process kicks into high gear. And while the declared candidates jockey for position in both contests, some major wild cards wait in the wings, as Texas Gov. Rick Perry signals his intention to enter the race, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin brings her bus tour to the Iowa State Fair.

Can Bachmann's Tea Party support propel her all the way to the White House? What will the straw poll results mean for her campaign? Then, in a potentially make or break week for Pawlenty, what will he need to do to stand out in an ever-growing field, after struggling to gain traction so far in the key early state of Iowa?

The "This Week" roundtable analyzes Thursday's presidential debate and the Iowa Straw Poll results. Who were the big winners and losers? How will Gov. Rick Perry's likely entry change the dynamics of the race? When will Sarah Palin make her decision whether to run or sit out the 2012 contest? And in one of the worst weeks of his presidency, what will the terrible economy mean for President Barack Obama's reelection chances?

Jake Tapper is joined in Ames by ABC's George Will and Matthew Dowd, ABC News Political Director Amy Walter, author and radio host Laura Ingraham, and Radio Iowa News Director Kay Henderson.