Coming Up on 'This Week': Rep. Michele Bachmann

The GOP presidential candidate tries to gain ground in the crowded GOP field.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27, 2011— -- The race for the Republican nomination is heating up. As Rick Perry plummets and Herman Cain overtakes Mitt Romney, can Michele Bachmann recapture the momentum that carried her to victory at the Iowa straw poll?

Bachmann, R-Minn., comes to "This Week" and tells Christiane Amanpour about her plan to get back to the top of the pack.

Does her 11-point "American Jobs, Right Now" blueprint offer real economic solutions? Did rival Rick Perry swipe ideas from her tax and energy plans? And does she have the resources and support to gain ground in the crowded GOP field?

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann appears this Sunday only on "This Week."

Then, Herman Cain's campaign is smoking hot, but can he sustain his recent success in polls and win in any of the early primary states? What is keeping Romney from closing the deal with Republican voters? Does this week's good economic news change the race for the White House, and is the economy finally turning the corner?

ABC's George Will and Cokie Roberts, National Journal Editorial Director Ron Brownstein, former Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey will dive into those topics and all the week's politics on our roundtable.

Plus, Microsoft co-founder and chairman Bill Gates tells us what he thinks about taxing the rich, improving American education and why wealthy nations need to continue to give aid to the world's poorest countries, even in these times of economic austerity. He also reflects on his friendship with Steve Jobs and his competitive 30-year relationship with the computer pioneer.