Conservative Super PAC Declares War on Donald Trump

The battle against The Donald is ramping up on a new front.

The move represents the first major effort by an outside group to bring down the real estate mogul, who is leading in polls nationally and in early states. Jeb's Super PAC, Right to Rise, will follow with anti-Trump television spots worth more than $20 million in early states.

The Club's first ad focuses on what they say is Trump's "very liberal" record, warning voters that Trump is "just another politician" and that "he's really just playing us for chumps" by running for the Republican nomination. Its second ad also attacks Trump as "the worst kind of politician," but this time the spotlight is on his support of eminent domain, asserting that he holds a typically liberal stance on the issue.

Trump shot back on Twitter shortly after the Club's unveiling of the ads, saying the Club was "little respected" and had asked him for $1,000,000 in the past - a request Trump refused.

McIntosh said the organization “is committed to seeing this all the way through,” claiming they will keep airing the ads until Trump supporters realize "he is, in fact, like all of the Washington insiders he rails against." When asked whether Trump could win the nomination, McIntosh said “we’ve got to take Donald Trump seriously.”

McIntosh said there weren’t any other Super PACs that Club for Growth is working with right now, but he believes that it's "likely" will join the effort against Trump.