Conway's comment on Ivanka Trump's brand being blown 'way out of proportion': White House adviser

"I think people are blowing this thing way out of proportion:" Stephen Miller.

"I think that what you have is a situation where you had the president of the United States sticking up for a member of his family," Miller said on "This Week" on Sunday. "And you had a counselor to the president who was making a lighthearted comment in defense of someone who’d been treated very unfairly."

"I think that the media has taken this to a level it does not merit, and I think anyone watching that interview would understand that it was a lighthearted comment made in defense of somebody who had been treated unfairly," Miller added.

"This is just a wonderful line. I own some of it, I fully -- I'm going to give a free commercial here," Conway said. "Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online."

The president has praised his daughter, Ivanka, and blasted one of the retailers, Nordstrom, on Twitter.

"This is a direct attack on his policies and her name, so there's clearly an attempt for him to stand up for her because she's being maligned because they have a problem with his policies," Spicer said.

"I’m not going make a comment on that. I don’t have any information on it. I do want to say that Sean Spicer, as always, is 100 percent correct and that what he said is true and important. And I agree with it," Miller said.