Cynthia Nixon in hot seat for pot industry as 'reparations' comment

Cynthia Nixon says marijuana can serve as "form of reparations" for blacks.

"Now that cannabis is exploding as an industry, we have to make sure that those communities that have been harmed and devastated by marijuana arrests get the first shot at this industry,” Nixon told Forbes in an interview last week. “We [must] prioritize them in terms of licenses. It's a form of reparations.”

"The reality is that for many white people, marijuana has effectively been legal for years," Nixon has wrote on her website. "It’s time to legalize it for everyone else. We have to stop putting black people in prison for something that white people do with impunity."

Nixon's "form of reparations" comments have sparked backlash from some African Americans.

Shneiderman has since stepped down, but Nixon says the investigation should continue.

Nixon hopes to take Cuomo on during a one-on-one debate on ABC News affiliate, WABC.