Delegates Hold Up ‘Liar’ Signs and Chant ‘No More War’ During DNC

Delegates were making a last-gasp protest on the final night of the DNC.

However, Sanders delegates received a text message from the Sanders organization asking them to be respectful throughout the evening.

"On Monday when Bernie gave his speech to the Democratic Convention, Secretary Clinton's campaign asked her supporters to be respectful and they were. As a courtesy to Bernie, our campaign would greatly appreciate it if you would extend the same respect during Secretary Clinton's speech," read the text.

Despite the message, the delegation from California unfurled a large banner that said "Wikileaks" -- in reference to the DNC email leak scandal -- during a video introduction of Clinton, and many Sanders supporters were spotted in their seats as the rest of the arena rose to greet the candidate as she emerged on stage.

During Clinton's speech there was sporadic shouting from the crowd that was quickly drowned out by chants of "Hillary."

A few delegates in the California section yelled, "Jill not Hill," in support of Green Party candidate Jill Stein, while others chose to walk out.

"I am no longer a member of Democratic Party," said Victoria Bard, of Longmont, CO (sporting a tie -dye headband and carrying a Jill Stein sign). She, along with half a dozen members of various delegations walked out tonight citing disturbances with Clinton delegates and party staff.

Cleo Dioletis, 69, told ABC News that the t-shirt wearers were alerted that their credentials would be pulled from the delegation if they showed any "disrespect."

Another Colorado delegate, Tommy Hamrick called the t-shirts a "visual representation" of their support for Sanders, adding it was a message to the press the party is not united.

"It's to give the media a visual of what's in the room," Hamrick said, adding the shirts are also a "celebration" of "how close [Sanders] got to the nomination."

In the California delegation, several Sanders backers altered signs distributed by convention staff that say "Hillary," changing them to read, "Liar." A number of Californians also held signs directed at Clinton that said "Walk the walk."

Shawn Orgel-Olson, a delegate from Santa Cruz, said that the delegation met this morning and decided their only interruptions Thursday would be "issues focused" and that they would only heckle if a speaker brings up an issue they disagreed with.