Demonstrators make arguments outside Supreme Court

WASHINGTON -- A miniature circle of a dozen Tea Party Patriots worked hard to make their voices heard in front of the Supreme Court building Monday morning, but about 200 Affordable Care Act supporters shouted them down.

"We love Obamacare!" the supporters yelled, accompanied by a brass band, a loudspeaker and a Chihuahua.

"We hate Obamacare!" could be heard if one stood near the "Don't Tread on Me" flag.

Monday marked the first day of arguments by the Supreme Court over the constitutionality of the 2-year-old Affordable Care Act. Opponents of the law argued that forcing most Americans to purchase a health insurance policy is unconstitutional, while supporters argued that without the requirement, other Americans are forced to absorb the costs of those who can't pay.

Although Monday morning pitched a few voices against many, Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, said she expects more people Tuesday.

"Hundreds of people are planning to be here," she said. "That's our big day."

She said she was in Washington to stand for the "majority of Americans who oppose Obamacare," and that she believes it is unconstitutional to force people to "purchase a product simply because we live and breathe."

As she spoke, the law's supporters sang in the background about seeking an end to the "doughnut hole" and about the value of preventive exams.

"They're pretty organized," said Tea Party supporter Kevin Mooneyhan, who came up from Jacksonville. "They're handing out premade signs."

The signs said "Protect Your Healthcare."

A father two teenaged sons briefly joined the chanting — "We love Obamacare" — before stepping back out and making their way toward the U.S. Capitol. Soon after, a woman joined in for two shouts of "I hate Obamacare!" before continuing down the street.

Frank Wiechnik traveled from Princeton, N.J., because, he said, "health care is a basic human right." He was surprised to see the large number of supporters versus opponents, but he had heard Tuesday is the day to watch.

"But we'll be here for three days," he said.

Glenn McGarvey, a nurse from Connecticut, made his way back from a radio interview. He spoke about how one-third of patients without health insurance have mental health or substance abuse issues. And, as an emergency room nurse, he said he sees a lot of patients with late-stage breast and colon cancer who could have been saved with preventive exams.

Linda Dorr of Laguna Beach, Calif., stood nearby with a Tea Party pin, protesting the law.

"I'm on Medicare," she said. "But it's not like I want to be. If it were up to me, I'd go offshore and pay for myself."

Dirk Herkhoff stood on the sidelines with a rolled sign under his arm.

"It makes it possible for millions of people to get insurance," he said, explaining that if they don't, someone else has to pay for their care.

He gazed out at the protesters and supporters.

"I was expecting the two sides to be pretty even," he said. "But I was expecting much larger turnout from both sides."