Donald Trump Doubles Down on Attacks on Hillary Clinton as 'Enabler' of Husband's Affairs

"Hillary hurt many women," Trump says.

"Some of those women were destroyed not by him, but by the way that Hillary Clinton treated them after everything went down," he went on.

The presumptive Republican nominee didn't hold back when it came to Bill Clinton, either.

"Hillary Clinton's husband abused women more than any man that we know of in the history of politics," he said.

Trump's comments today came as he was warning the audience of reports that pro-Clinton Super PAC Priorities USA has reserved more than $90 million in ad buys targeting Trump (and likely hitting him for the things he's said about women in the past).

Trump recently took a lot of heat for saying that the Hillary Clinton was "playing the women's card" to get elected, comments he made again today.

"By the way, if she didn't play the women's card, she would have no chance. I mean, zero," he said.

Trump went on to say that today men are "petrified to speak to women" and that "women get it better" than men do.

He insisted "there is nobody that respects women more" than he does.

"I have women, frankly -- I shouldn't say this, because the men are going to get angry -- but I have women that make more money than men doing a comparable job," he added, touting the number of women he employs in his company.

On Saturday, Trump said he had never said anything bad about Kelly, that his words had been twisted.

Of O'Donnell, however, Trump said, "Who the hell wouldn't speak badly about Rosie O'Donnell? She's terrible."