How Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Their 2016 Rivals Are Responding to the Virginia Shooting

The presidential candidates weigh in on the double homicide and gun control.

Vester Flanagan, described by authorities as a disgruntled former employee of WDBJ, shot and killed reporter Alison Parker and photographer Adam Ward while they were on the air Wednesday morning.

“I don’t think I would because this is really a sick person. This isn’t a gun problem. This is a mental problem,” he said. “That’s what they should be focusing on instead of guns -- they should be talking about mental health because there’s so many things that can be done.”

He went on to call himself a “Second Amendment person,” adding that the shooting in Virginia was “horrible” and “a very sad commentary on life.”

But the real estate mogul has changed his tune since writing his book in 2000. “I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun,” he wrote in “The America We Deserve.”

“But I will also reiterate we have got to do something about gun violence, and I will take it on,” she told reporters in Ankeny, Iowa, on Wednesday. “If we had universal background checks, if we could just put some time out between the person who’s upset because he got fired or domestic abuse or whatever other motivation may be working on someone who does this, maybe we could prevent this kind carnage."

“We can't have people demagoguing against folks just because they go out and hunt and they own guns,” he said on ABC News' "This Week" in late June. “On the other hand, rural America has got to understand that guns in Vermont are not the same thing as guns in Chicago.”

“Well, first off, the deaths are an awful tragedy but let's focus on what the real problem is,” he said on "Fox and Friends" this morning. “We're not enforcing law in this country. ... This president and this administration hasn’t enforced them.”

“What law in the world could have prevented him from killing them, whether it was with a gun or a knife or a bomb,” Rubio said in New Hampshire on Wednesday, according to the Boston Globe. “What has happened to us as a society that we now devalue life to such a level? What has happened in our society that people have become so violent? That’s the fundamental question we need to confront.”

Other candidates continued to offer their support on social media.