Donald Trump Hits 41 Percent Support and Widest Lead Yet in New National Poll

Trump's support hits 41 percent in new poll.

The real estate mogul earned a broad 41 percent support from Republicans and Republican-leaning registered voters in a new national Monmouth University poll released today. This is Trump’s highest support and widest lead of any national poll yet this election cycle.

The poll tallies support among registered voters who describe themselves as Republicans or Republican-leaning independents with no screening for whether or not they are likely to actually vote in their state's primary or caucus.

"Trump is tapping into the phenomenon," said Patrick Murray, who leads the Monmouth poll. "The more he says things that make the Republican leaders cringe, the more he attracts people to his side."

Ben Carson, on the other hand, continues his downward spiral, dropping into the single digits for the first time in a national poll since mid-August.

Two-thirds of Republican voters said they would be "enthusiastic" or "satisfied" if Trump is the nominee. Less than three in 10 said they would be "dissatisfied" or "upset."