Donald Trump Hits Highest Support and Widest Lead Yet, New Poll Shows

The real estate mogul is seeing his best numbers yet this election cycle.

This marks Trump's highest support and widest lead since he first announced his candidacy.

Chris Christie has the next highest support with just 4 percent. Jeb Bush dropped 5 points in the last several weeks to match Carly Fiorina with just 3 percent support. Mike Huckabee and John Kasich have 2 percent support and Rand Paul garnered 1 percent.

Ben Carson, plagued by questions over his past and doubts by voters on foreign policy in the wake of the Paris attacks, dropped 8 percentage points since mid-October. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz, focusing his efforts on the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa, has climbed 12 points.

More than half of Republicans - 52 percent say Trump has the best chance of winning the general election in November, widely leading Rubio with 15 percent, Cruz with 11 percent and Carson with 10 percent. This comes despite Trump's low favorability ratings among independents in other polls.

Trump is also the top candidate on foreign policy, though Cruz and Rubio trail him in that category by only 13 and 16 points respectively.

The GOP nomination horserace question in this poll followed several questions about illegal immigration and mass deportation, both staples of Donald Trump's campaign.

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