Donald Trump Jr. Rouses Convention Crowd By Bashing Hillary Clinton and Praising His Dad

Trump Jr. brought delegates to their feet.

Trump Jr. said his father was his “mentor,” praising how he ran his companies and how he forced his children to listen to people based on their character rather than their credentials.

“We didn’t learn from MBAs — we learned from people who had doctorates in common sense,” said Don Jr., who like his father and sister Tiffany, who also spoke Tuesday night, attended the University of Pennsylvania.

“His true gift was a leader is that he sees the potential in people that they don't even see in themselves,” he said.

The eldest Trump child energized the audience and had the majority of the crowd on their feet by the point when he was listing off ways that his father was going to lead if elected.

He said that his dad will be a president “who says what needs to be said and not just what you want to hear.”