Donald Trump Mistakes Biblical Citation at Liberty University Event

The presidential candidate is courting evangelical Christian votes.

"I hear this is a major theme right here, but Two Corinthians, 3:17 that's the whole ball game," Trump told the arena of students. "You know, when you think -- and that's really -- is that the one? Is that the one you like? I think that's the one you like, because I loved it."

The book in the New Testament is commonly referred to as Second Corinthians, not Two Corinthians. The mis-reference quickly drew rebukes on Twitter:

Trump has named the Bible as his favorite book, but at times struggled to cite scripture, declining to name a particular verse he found meaningful to Bloomberg in August. In an interview with The Brody File last September, he expressed a preference for "Proverbs, the chapter 'never bend to envy.'" His campaign clarified to The Brody file that he was referring to Proverbs 24:1-2.