Donald Trump Wants Plan Within 30 Days to Defeat ISIS If Elected

The Republican nominee will lay out a defense spending plan on Wednesday.

“We are going to convey my top generals and give them a simple instruction,” Trump told a crowd in Greenville, N.C., on Tuesday. “They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS. We have no choice.”

His address will largely focus on military spending, presenting a contrast between what the campaign calls the “adventurism” of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and Trump’s “clear-eyed” pursuit of U.S. interests.

Trump also laid out other plans for his first days in office — a rare display of specificity for the candidate.

“The change will begin my first day in office. No. 1, we are going to eliminate every single unconstitutional order and restore the rule of law to our land,” he said. “Then we are going to begin implementing plans for [the] construction of a wall along our southern border. In other words, we will build the wall.”