Donald Trump Sees 'Everybody' in the Hot Seat for Debate Night

The candidate heads to Milwaukee today ahead of the fourth GOP debate tonight.

"We'll see what happens," he added. "It'll be loose and flexible. I have no idea what’s going to happen but it will be interesting."

The New York real estate mogul also addressed the policy paper he released this morning targeting the currency of China.

"They're killing us."

Trump, who, in his new book “Crippled America,” called China an “enemy” of the United States and said he plans to bring “fairness” to any new trade deals with China.

"On day one of the Trump administration, the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China as a currency manipulator,” the policy paper reads.

Trump’s plan also calls for punishing China for intellectual property violations. "We will enforce stronger protections against Chinese hackers and counterfeit goods and our responses to Chinese theft will be swift, robust, and unequivocal,” the paper reads.

Trump will head to Milwaukee later today for the fourth GOP debate, after campaigning through the weekend in New Hampshire, Iowa, Florida and Texas.

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