How Donald Trump Is Turning on His Fellow Republicans

Here are the biggest targets of Trump’s recent backlash.

— -- It’s no surprise when GOP presidential contenders aim their attacks at their Democratic rivals, but recently Donald Trump has been engaging in friendly fire.

Here are a few of the big targets of Trump’s recent backlash:

The Bush Family Dynasty

The Republican National Committee

Without explicitly saying so, Trump is floating the idea of a third party run again. It’s a move Trump threatened to do last summer before the RNC made every 2016 GOP candidate sign a pledge to support the eventual nominee and not run under a third party.

“The RNC better get its act together because you know I signed a pledge but that pledge isn’t being honored by them,” Trump said Monday at a town hall in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

Trump feels the RNC is in “default of their pledge” by filling Saturday’s GOP debate in South Carolina with “lobbyists and special interests.” Sean Spicer tweeted that 600 tickets were divided equally between all the candidates on stage, 10 RNC donors, and approximately 300 GOP grassroots and elected officials.

The business mogul also criticized the RNC last Saturday for sending out a fundraising email with his name on it and told supporters not to contribute to the RNC.

Trump has been poking fun again at the Florida senator for his perspiration tendencies.

“Marco Rubio, who stood with me, he was with me when he had the meltdown, and I’m telling you, it wasn't a pretty sight. No, he was standing right there, no, he was soaking wet, I’m telling you. He was wet. I say, 'What the hell’s going on over here?'" Trump said of Rubio at a campaign event in Greenville, South Carolina.

"I thought he just came out of a swimming pool, he was soaking. I said, 'Look! Wow.' I said, "Are you okay?'" he added.

Trump continued: "Can you imagine Putin sitting there waiting for the meeting and this guy walks in and he is like a wreck."

Trump is escalating his attacks on Cruz, threatening the Texas senator with a lawsuit if he doesn’t pull his recent ads and stop the attacks on Trump’s record.

In Greenville, Trump also called Cruz an “unstable guy” and even questioned whether Cruz is truly a Christian.

Trump sees the lawsuit against Cruz as “a favor” because he would be filing early and “the Democrats are going to file it, anyway.”

Eminent Domain

Trump’s stance on eminent domain, that is, the right of the government to seize private property for public use, strays from the conventional belief of the right.

Trump then clarified Monday, saying, ”I don’t like eminent domain but you need road, you need a highway.”